Thursday, April 30, 2015

"X" is for...

Welcome to Alphabe Thursday, hosted by Jenny Matlock.

This week we examine the letter "X" Thoughts on what the heck to post started rolling through my head like an old Super 8 movie film !
Hope you will visit and read some of the other letter "X" offerings HERE.

My imagination sizzled red hot as I thought of the letter "X",
turning to
Achilles & Hector... and "Troy"

I dug up "X" words for the weapons they used back then:
Xiphod - Sword-shaped

But my oh, my, Brad Pitt & Eric Bana as Achilles & Hector... X-cellent acting and eye candy !!!

 Xyston - Pike used by Greek Heavy Calvary

Reading "The Illiad" by Homer was never this X -TRA Ultra HOT !!!

Then the Spartans, Persia and "300" popped into my mind... King Xerxes & King Leonidas ... Mulder & Scully in "The X-Files"...
I could go on and on but now it's time to X - it.
Because, dear readers,
 "...A lady always knows when it's time to leave.!!!"

Thursday, April 23, 2015

"W" is for...

This week I tackle the letter "W" for Alphabe Thursday, hosted by Jenny Matlock.
 Go HERE to read other Wonderful, Worthy contributors posts. I'm taking inspiration from the picture below to write a weighty, woven story chock full of W's !

Sure wish I could find a blog that hosts weekly short stories with a prompt each you know of any good ones that are G-PG rated ??? Tell me in comments ;)

     There was once a wretched wailing, wakeful, wandering woman with a weary, weathered, winsome, wounded heart. She ran, then walked along in a storm near the worldly, wicked, woeful part of the village, watered to the bone, wretched and alone. Her constant tears welded with weighty, wily wind and sheets of woven, hard rain.

In the worn-out, woozy alleyway, she promised herself she would no longer wither under his cruelty. She would not go back home, ever. He was wrecking her life and wounding her body as well as her soul.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

'V' is for...

Today, the letter is 'V' on the Meme Alphabe Thursday, hosted by Jenny Matlock.
Go HERE to read many other submissions for this week.

I immediately thought of the saying, "Valeo Valvi Valiturus" which is Latin and means:
To be strong, have power, be well.

Last weekend, while working online and tidying up my sweet abode, I DVR'd, then watched
"The Godfather Trilogy" Parts 1-3. Fab flicks and I still notice new things about the films during every viewing...for example:

ORANGES in all of the Godfather movies...
 Maybe I'll save that one for when we get back to the letter 'O' !

 My favorite character in every single one of the three movies:
CONNIE, who personifies the Latin words !!!

The sweet, innocent, spoiled Connie knows what she wants and how to get it... Valeo !
She knows how to fight back...

And be free with no apologies, just more mistakes until she finally learns...Valvi !

Overseeing her revenge, she becomes oh, so satisfied... Valiturus !
Then, tragically loses her beloved niece to a cold blooded assassin
because of 
the very motto 
she has at last achieved !!!