Thursday, April 30, 2015

"X" is for...

Welcome to Alphabe Thursday, hosted by Jenny Matlock.

This week we examine the letter "X" Thoughts on what the heck to post started rolling through my head like an old Super 8 movie film !
Hope you will visit and read some of the other letter "X" offerings HERE.

My imagination sizzled red hot as I thought of the letter "X",
turning to
Achilles & Hector... and "Troy"

I dug up "X" words for the weapons they used back then:
Xiphod - Sword-shaped

But my oh, my, Brad Pitt & Eric Bana as Achilles & Hector... X-cellent acting and eye candy !!!

 Xyston - Pike used by Greek Heavy Calvary

Reading "The Illiad" by Homer was never this X -TRA Ultra HOT !!!

Then the Spartans, Persia and "300" popped into my mind... King Xerxes & King Leonidas ... Mulder & Scully in "The X-Files"...
I could go on and on but now it's time to X - it.
Because, dear readers,
 "...A lady always knows when it's time to leave.!!!"

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