Thursday, April 16, 2015

'V' is for...

Today, the letter is 'V' on the Meme Alphabe Thursday, hosted by Jenny Matlock.
Go HERE to read many other submissions for this week.

I immediately thought of the saying, "Valeo Valvi Valiturus" which is Latin and means:
To be strong, have power, be well.

Last weekend, while working online and tidying up my sweet abode, I DVR'd, then watched
"The Godfather Trilogy" Parts 1-3. Fab flicks and I still notice new things about the films during every viewing...for example:

ORANGES in all of the Godfather movies...
 Maybe I'll save that one for when we get back to the letter 'O' !

 My favorite character in every single one of the three movies:
CONNIE, who personifies the Latin words !!!

The sweet, innocent, spoiled Connie knows what she wants and how to get it... Valeo !
She knows how to fight back...

And be free with no apologies, just more mistakes until she finally learns...Valvi !

Overseeing her revenge, she becomes oh, so satisfied... Valiturus !
Then, tragically loses her beloved niece to a cold blooded assassin
because of 
the very motto 
she has at last achieved !!!


Eden House News and views said...

Hi this is my first encounter with your blog . I have been following alphabet Thursday for a long time but only once managed to complete the whole 26 letters
I have been away from blogging for a while but now trying to catch up and keep up see you again . Love the latinsaying do you mind if I have on my facebook?

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I guess it's about time for a rewatching of the Godfather series!

Gattina said...

Unfortunately I haven't seen this movie !