Thursday, May 7, 2015

"Y" is for...

Alphabe Thursday with letter "Y" hosted by Jenny Matlock is fun and you can read the other awesome posts HERE !

YO, YO, YO !!! Oh, Rocky & Adrian... what a love match
kudos Stallone for writing an
'easy on the actors'
dialog/script to memorize !

YUCKY... I went on a camping and fishing weekend once ( YES, just once ) and refused to bait the hooks. I was the only one who caught fish ( catch & release )...
that was the best part of the trip !

YUMMY !  I can actually make the best meatballs I've ever tasted, thanks to a real Italian Grandma who taught me all her cooking and baking secrets !

YIKES ! This photo perfectly illustrates what  I think and feel about being in any kind of pain...just give me that shot/anesthesia to kill it and drugs afterwards so I can bare it until it's over with !!!

YOWZA - YAZOOWEE ! YES, I think this woman lives inside my brain ...thankfully, so do the "better angels of my nature", pushing her back to where the cobwebs are and keeping her in check...

YIPEE-KI-YAY...YEAH, this guy lives in there too...
barefoot, a bit bloody, packing heat, sweating bullets, kicking butt and taking names !

And just to top things off, 
I have a real problem 
small talk 
people who 
 about nonsense until
 I want to run away,
 tell them to shut up


 to achieve lasting peace and quiet...
 I love to lock & load... 
"ready, aim, fire" 

but only in my fertile, overactive, writer's imagination...hey, I'm basically a sweet
YELLOW kitty named Rain ...

me -YOW !!!

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