Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"Z" is for...

It's time again for Alphabe Thursday, hosted by Jenny Matlock ... Is it just me or did this last week go super fast ??? Go HERE to read all the cool posts for the Letter "Z" !

Let's start with a rather easy "Z" word:

ZIP CODE ( and area code ) !
                      However mundane we might think it is, without those codes for mail, packages, phone calls, bills,mortgages, credit cards, TV, GPS, weather forecasts, computer etc. we would be back to ancient history ( as we see it ) and out of instant, direct communication with each other. We're talking pre-tech life where we would be lost in every way possible. If the techno rug was suddenly pulled out from underneath our cushy lives, there would be anarchy and chaos...we would all be pulling out our hair in frustration, grief and withdrawal, whining for all our electronic goodies like little two year olds throwing major tantrums. I for one don't want to even deal with any of that nonsense !

ZAPARILLOW ! I think I might be channeling the Survivalist Movement...
oh, ZONKERS, that was kinda scary to think about, wasn't it ?

Years ago, I took a test to determine what career I was perfectly suited for ...turns out it was an Engineer figuring out worst case scenarios and solving them. 
I chose writing instead, partly because I can work in my Jammies, I don't need
 as much college and I can write anything, anywhere, anytime...
as long as I have my juicy - good - time Techie Tools  !!! 

Amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic. An erratic or eccentric person or action.

Lucy with her fake nose on fire...

At the chocolate factory, hawking high alcohol content elixir and squashing grapes...

And as The Queen of the Gypsies, casting spells and wreaking havoc. 
She was fearless, inventive, savvy and brilliant.
 No matter how crazy the idea was, she would do it just to make us laugh.
 After being a dolled up, gorgeous glamour girl in her early film career,
 she became the hilarious clown who made everyone love Lucy !!! 

Extreme or flamboyant style or appearance.

This 80's version of Madonna is my favorite...she should rest on her laurels, beads, bangles, big hair, awards and talent from this time ZONE ...hang it up baby !

         Boy George... Madonna's brother from another Mom.
Where is he now ? 
 Is he wearing braids with rags, ribbons and yarn in his hair? 
Does he still don his trademark funky clothes, hats and make up ?                   

Elton John...classically trained rocker/composer and forever oh, so good !

Kiss...Ageless, crazy, irreverent  and oh, so fun !

Lady Gaga...a mish-mash of  a very talented singer and publicity hound 
who knows how to shock and mystify  
with a really edgy, bizarre, 
ultra weird tilt into another dimension...
you never know what headline grabbing stunt
 she will come up with next.
Mind boggling self promotion at it's best ! 

Let's wind down my friends and relax a bit...

A quiet place to find inner peace, tranquility, meditate,
 worship and renew in a ZEN Monastery.

Ahhhhhhh, the serene, contemplative, stress free ZENDO...
So why the heck do I next think

Jennifer Garner as Elektra ???
All she does is look beautiful, 
never breaks a sweat,
 takes down hordes of bad guys
 and sees snippets of future events...
then bids farewell and bows to her Sensei, 
disappears for parts unknown,
 leaving a very hot guy behind.
Why on Earth is she calm, 
centered, so immovably sure of herself
  while looking ahead with confidence and satisfaction ???  

ZOWEE, I think I know...

She never, ever has to make another action movie
 with Ben Affleck as Daredevil !!!

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